Saturday, September 12, 2015

LILI closes...what next?

 My production of  LILI for the Hip Pocket Theatre has closed it's run. These photos, dutifully taken by my husband Sam Silva after the performance ( while I smoozed with the theatre-goers ) give a pretty accurate image of the actual set when compared with my original design.
 The strings ( cables actually) of café lights and colorful pennants which hung at each side of the stage and lit up magically during the carnival sequences,
 The Balloon prop pieces, carried in by the Carnival Girls and placed in the upstage brackets. Using 12" diameter inflatable beach balls on dowel supports instead of actual balloons worked perfectly! Hardy and fully inflated for the entire run of the show, and most of all "wind-resistant". I discovered that a strong prevailing wind blew through this outdoor space almost nightly which precluded the use of some of my more intricate set pieces..... So a hardy bracing with 2x4s was in order all around. Less mobile, but no less functional or beautiful.
It takes a great number of people to put on any show, and  LILI  was no exception. I was very lucky to have available such an incredibly talented and professional ensemble, both on stage and behind the scenes to make the show come to life each evening. "Enchanting" is the word which I heard most often, both from the critics and from the audience after each performance. That is exactly what I was shooting for, so....Success!

And now, you may ask....What Next?

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Some photos from my production of "LILI" for the Hip Pocket Theatre this summer!

 Poor LILI threatened by the nasty Shopkeeper...
 Rescued by the handsome Magician...
 Drawn into the Carnival by the wily Jacquot...
 Where she sees the Magic Act!

And at last meets the PUPPPETS!

The overall design for this show works perfectly. There were several compromises in the staging which led us to a much more simplified play. In the end though it all worked magically to enthrall the audience, which is everything I had hoped it might.

Onward to the next project! Stay tuned!