Friday, April 10, 2015

LILI Puppets Completed!!

 At Last the puppets for my summer production of  LILI  at the Hip Pocket Theater are completed!

 and lovely  MARGUERITTE
The puppets are packed up and on their way to Fort Worth this week where they will be stored until rehearsals begin in July.
It took about 6 full weeks of work to produce these 4 rod puppets.
 Much, much  hand sewing was required on the heads, hands and especially the costumes.My fingers need a rest!

Now on to the set and prop construction. I will post my progress as I proceed.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Scenes from the Costuming Shop

 The LILI puppets in the costuming shop: CARROT TOP, above, has his shirt and lower sleeves in place.
  (where parts of the costume will not show it is best to fit only partial pieces so the shoulder movement won't be inhibited). The fabric behind him will be used to create a two-toned  blue jacket to complete his costume.
 REYNARDO, above, has been fitted with his shirt, vest and bow tie ( again, only the shirt cuffs will be visible). The interesting purple filigree print fabric behind him will be used for his formal tailcoat with the glittery purple at right as the lining and lapel facing. He should look very dapper when done!
 GOLO, THE GIANT, above, has his yellow flannel pajama top in place. The leopard print fabric will be fashioned into a skin toga for him, and a flannel night cap will complete his costume.
Finally, MARGUERITTE, above, is doing the "dance of the single veil"...awaiting her fashionable frock of sky blue butterfly print material at left with an over skirt of the sheer glittery blue tulle she is "wearing". Her earrings and necklace are actual vintage costume jewelry. She will have "diamond"  bracelets to match when she is fully costumed.

The finished puppets will be 20 inches tall. They have been purposely designed to look like glove puppets with no substance below their waists. In fact they are rod puppets operated from the back. They will be fitted with wrist rod controls when their costumes have been finally attached.

The puppeteers, all in black, will perform the puppets against a black background within their custom designed puppet booth set piece. At the climax of the play the puppets "break free" of their booth and move and dance about with the main character all around the the stage.