Monday, August 25, 2014

STAY TUNED - More to Come!

For many years my world was a stage...many different stages throughout my career!
 [ seen here is a newspaper photo promoting UNDERNEATH THE TOP DOWN for which I designed and manipulated the large scale puppets which have been a trademark of mine, especially in my work for Fort Worth's HIP POCKET THEATRE]

I retired from theatrical design work in the 1990's with no real desire to take it up again....

But......I have been invited back to THE HIP POCKET THEATRE to adapt, design and direct a new production for their 39th season in 2015!

I've chosen a property which I had on the planning board back in 1988 but it was never produced. Now I've been given a chance to stage this show and I've decided to give it one more try. I can't tell you what the show will be as yet. I must wait for JOHNNY SIMONS to make the formal announcment after the close of this years season. What I will be doing in the coming months is something I never imagined I would do when I started this blog. I will be documenting the design of a production as I create it, sharing with you the work in progress as it happens! I'm very excited about this. Yes there will be puppetry involved as well as both Set and Costume designs. I will also be posting about the process of adapting a film into a stage production which has always been interesting for me in the past with such shows as FREAKS and THE LADY VANISHES.

 I am writing the script now based on my notes from 25 years ago, but also with the added insight that 25 years can bring to the material. When this is approved and the announcement has been made I will begin posting my designs! Stay tuned....